Meet The Speaker

Douglas D. Richardson
Douglas D. Richardson

Dr. Richardson joined Schering-Plough in August 2007 supporting analytical method development for novel pharmaceuticals within the Process Chemistry department of Schering-Plough Research Institute. Following the merger with Merck Doug joined Bioprocess Development in 2011 as an Analytical Program Lead for early and late stage programs including Biosimilars. In 2013, Doug transitioned to leading a group focusing on evaluation and implementation of new automation and analytical technologies for protein therapeutics. Currently, Doug is leading a team within Biologics Process R&D that focuses on analytical technology development to expand the large molecule Process Analytical Technology (PAT) toolkit to support current and future manufacturing platforms. Doug earned his B.S. in Forensic Chemistry with a minor in Biological Sciences from Ohio University in 2003. In 2007 Doug completed his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati in the lab of Dr. Joseph A. Caruso. His graduate research focused on advancements in elemental speciation, coupling a variety of separation techniques with atomic mass spectrometry.